About this platform

Let's all pull together in the same direction and give hope, trust and confidence! Too many children suffer and die a senseless death every day. Let's fight against this! Let's show everyone what can be achieved through meaningful action and save many lives together!

Sascha Huber - Influencer and initiator of the 1millionliegestützechallenge (1 million push up challenge) with UNICEF

About UNICEF fundraising campaigns

Give a voice to children in need and support them with your donation campaign!
On this donation platform, we want to offer everyone the opportunity to support children worldwide – whether as an individual or as a group and for any occasion.
Your personal fundraising campaign can be set up quickly and can make a big difference. Whether you run a marathon and encourage your family and friends to donate, or for your birthday – instead of gifts and flowers, add support for a UNICEF project to your wish list. You inspire friends and family to make a difference.
Wreath donations, birthdays, corporate events and fundraising runs are just examples - there are no limits to your creativity.

The Austrian Committee for UNICEF was founded as an association in 1962. We work with passion and commitment for the rights and welfare of children. UNICEF finances its work exclusively from voluntary contributions and does not receive funds from mandatory payments by governments.
UNICEF Austria is a bearer of the Austrian donation cachet. Our administrative costs are less than 10 %. Our areas of operation include education, nutrition, health, clean water, emergency aid, gender equality and many more.
You can find out more about our organisation online:https://unicef.at/

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