Together for every child worldwide.

Are you celebrating a memorable event, a birthday, a wedding, a school party or a company anniversary? Let’s share your happiness. With your UNICEF fundraising campaign you can do good and support children worldwide.

This is how it works

You can create your own fundraising campaign in simply three steps.

Your Event


Instead of gifts, you can make a lasting, long-term difference in the lives of many children around the world. This year, invite your family and friends to donate to one of your passion projects.

Company event

Company anniversary, staff event, summer party, company run - whatever you are celebrating, dedicate it to children in need. With a UNICEF fundraising campaign, you and your colleagues can finance a project for children worldwide and celebrate your success together.

Memorial donation

Instead of wreaths and flowers, this campaign can be used to raise funds for children worldwide. So that the ideas and dreams of your loved one live on in future generations.


Donate rather than give - instead of wedding presents, valuable projects for children worldwide can be financed to give them a future. Share this unforgettable event with your families and friends.

Own idea

There are no limits to your creativity! Create a fundraising campaign for your passion project. Whether it's for children on the move, water projects, nutrition or projects where help is most urgently needed at the moment.


In vielen Teilen der Erde müssen Kinder oft kilometerweit laufen, um an sauberes Wasser zum Überleben zu gelangen. Die fehlende Zeit für Schule oder eine richtige Kindheit beeinträchtigt langfristig. Machen Sie jetzt mit und ändern die Zukunft von Kindern!

Let us inspire you

Our favourite campaigns: not only creative but also successful.

Show your friends what you are doing

We are committed to these important projects.
A boy from Yemen receives a box with emergency supply.

Where it helps most

With your non-designated donation you support children who need your help the most.

Water for every child

Children have a right to access clean drinking water! Many still lack it - and this has a massive impact on their opportunities.

Nothilfe Nahost

Der Nahostkonflikt bedroht derzeit die Leben zahlreicher Kinder. UNICEF liefert den Betroffenen überlebenswichtige medizinische Hilfsgüter, ...

Solarbetriebene Wasserpumpen

In Malawi, children and their families struggle every day to access clean water. With your help, we can change that! Our solar-powered water...

African Drone and Data Academy

Drohnen können Leben retten – vor allem in schwer zugänglichen Gebieten im Südosten Afrikas, die oft von Naturkatastrophen heimgesucht werde...

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